Sunday, June 3, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 6/4/2012

"Although I was an emotionally abused child, and a sexually abused teenager, I believe the worst abuse was inflicted by the judicial system. In retrospect, I was exploited by two self-interested attorneys. Worse, the courts, without looking into my true circumstances and taking the time to decide the real impact abortion would have upon women, I feel used me to justify legalization of terminating of the lives of over 35 million babies. Although on an intellectual level I know it was exploited, the responsibility I feel for this tragedy is overwhelming."

Norma McCorvey A.k.a. Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 15 day of March, 2000

Abortion Quote of the Day 6/3/2012

"They [the women] are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heart beat, they wouldn't want to have an abortion."(8)

-former abortionist Dr. Joseph Randall

"Pro-Choice 1990: Skeletons in the Closet" New Dimensions October 1990

To read Dr. Randall's Complete Testimony go Here

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 6/2/2012

"You have to dismember the fetus. You have to actually pull pieces of the fetus out."

Former abortionist Brian Finkel (Finkel was later convicted of sexually assaulting several of his abortion patients)

.ABC 20/20 Transcript # 99030802-j11, A Woman's Right, A Woman's Risk:3-8-1999. Quoted by Life Dynamics. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 6/1/2012

From Sue Hertz Caught in the Crossfire: A Year on Abortion's Front Line (New York: Prentice Hill Press, 1991) 122

A spokesperson for an abortion clinic met with pro-choice leaders to discuss a legislative plan to defend legal abortion. The group was discussing a plan to defend abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy:

"These people are political activists, Fran thought. Their work was critical to protecting abortion rights, but how many of them knew the reality of abortion, had seen the reality of what it destroyed? Fran felt like standing up and saying to those arguing for unrestricted abortions,

"You haven't seen the little feet. They look just like the little feet pushpins that the antis wear." As a provider at Repro once said, if half the pro-choice people saw the fetal remains of a 2nd trimester abortion, they would jump the fence into the antis' arms."

hand of 20 week old aborted baby