Thursday, May 31, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/31/2012

"I had complications, just like everybody else. I have perforated uteruses. I have had all kinds of problems --bleeding, infections-- Lord knows how many of those women are sterile now. I remember getting called down to my chairman's office because a young lady that I had done an abortion on showed up...and the abortion had been incomplete. I had not done my job right, and she passed an arm or a leg and she freaked out because she didn't realize what happened."

Dr. Anthony Levantino, Speech at the Meet the Abortion Providers Conference posted by The Pro-Life Action League

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/30/2012

From a New York Times author:

"After an abortion, the doctor must inspect these remains to make sure that all the fetal parts and placenta have been removed. Any tissue left inside the uterus can start an infection. Dr. Bours squeezed the contents of the sock into a shallow dish and poked around with his finger. "You can see a teeny tiny hand," he said." (7)

Abortion Provider Dr. Bours

Dudley Clendinen, "The Abortion Conflict: What it Does to One Doctor" New York Times Magazine Aug 11 1985 p 26 

arm and hand of an aborted baby at eight weeks

From the Center for Bio ethical Reform

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/29/2012

"I have never denied that human life begins at conception. If I have a complaint about our society, it's that we don't deal with death and dying. Do we believe human beings have a right to make decisions about death and dying? Yes we do, and those decisions are made every day in every hospital." 

Clinic Counselor Tim Shuck

Peter Korn. Lovejoy: A Year in the Life of an Abortion Clinic (The Atlantic Monthly Press: New York) 1996 p 94

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/28/2012

"This can burn you out very, very quickly...not so much by the physical labor as the emotional part of what's going on. When you do an ultrasound, particularly if you have children, and you see a fetus there, kicking, moving, living, doing things that your own child does, bringing it's thumb to its mouth, and things like that- it's difficult. Then, after the procedure, sometimes we have to actually look at the specimen, and you see arms and legs and things like that torn off...It does take an emotional toll." 

Abortionist Dr. Ed Jones (pseudonym), who had worked at a Planned Parenthood Clinic for 4 years at the time of the interview

Nancy Day. Abortion: Debating the Issue (Enslow Publishing: New York) 1995

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/27/2012

"I have seen hundreds of patients in my office who have had abortions and were just lied to by the abortion counselor. Namely 'This is less painful than having a tooth removed. It is not a baby.' Afterwards, the woman sees Life Magazine and breaks down and goes into a major depression."

--Psychologist Vincent Rue

David Kuperlian and Jo Ann Gasper "Abortion, Inc." New Dimensions Magazine October 1991, p 16

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/26/2012

"When a later abortion was performed, workers had to piece the baby back together, and every major part--head, torso, two legs, and two arms --had to be accounted for. One of our little jokes at the clinic was, "If you ever want to humble a doctor, hide a leg so he thinks he has to go back in."

Norma McCorvey, "Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade, recounting her work at an abortion clinic

Norma McCorvey Won By Love (Thomas Nelson, Inc: Nashville, TN) 1997 p 58

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/25/2012

Mahatma Ghandi, famous for his non-violent activism in India:

"It seems to me as clear as daylight that abortion would be a crime."

From All Men Are Brothers: Autobiographical Reflections (New York: Continuum, 1980) 150

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/24/2012

"... a married couple came to me and requested an abortion. Because the patient's cervix was rigid, I was unable to dilate it and perform the procedure. I asked her to return in a week, when the cervix would be softer. 

The couple returned and told me that they had changed their minds and wanted to "keep the baby." I delivered the baby seven months later. Years later, I played with little Jeffrey in the pool at the tennis club where his parents and I were members. He was happy and beautiful. I was horrified to think that only a technical obstacle had prevented me from terminating Jeffrey's potential life. 

The connection between the six-week-old human embryo and a laughing child stopped being an abstraction for me. While hugging my sons each morning, I started to think of the vacuum aspirator that I would use two hours later. This was an emotional tension I could not tolerate." 

Source: George Flesh, M.D. "Why I No Longer Do Abortions," Los Angeles Times, 9/12/91 Op.ed section

6 week old baby

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Abortion Quote 5/23/2012

"Nobody wants to perform abortions after ten weeks because by then you see the features of the baby, hands, feet. It's really barbaric. Abortions are very draining, exhausting, and heartrending. There are a lot of tears. Sometimes patients turn on you. They say, "Let's get out of here," after the abortion, as if you're some dirty person. It's vicious. Then you get these teenyboppers in the office who laugh their way through it. It doesn't mean a thing to them. That bothers me...I do them because I take the attitude that women are going to terminate babies and deserve the same kind of treatment as women who carry babies...I've done a couple thousand, and it turned into a significant financial boon, but I also feel I've provided an important service. The only way I can do an abortion is to consider only the woman as my patient and block out the baby..." 

Unnamed abortionist

John Pekkanen. M.D.: Doctors Talk About Themselves (Delcorte Press: New York) 1988. Pgs 90-91

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Abortion Quote 5/22/2012

"If I see a case...after twenty weeks, where it frankly is a child to me, I really agonize over it because the potential is so imminently there...On the other hand, I have another position, which I think is superior in the hierarchy of questions, and that is "who owns this child?" It's got to be the mother."

The late Dr. James MacMahon, who performed D&X (also known as Partial Birth) abortions

Cheryl Alkon "Confessions of an Abortion Doctor" Boston Magazine December 2004

Hands of baby at 20 weeks

Monday, May 21, 2012

Abortion Quote 5/21/2012

Director of nursing at an abortion clinic:
"… When it's a big fetus, you will hear them asking a lot of questions: "is it a boy or is it a girl?", "Will it be baptized?" We've had many requests for that too. We do it, it doesn't mean a thing. But if it rests somebody's peace of mind, you baptize a fetus. I mean for the psychological effect. It's not recognized by the church, how can you murder a fetus and then baptize it? I feel if it makes the woman happy, why not? If it satisfies her psychological hangup, whatever it is.… Anything under 24 weeks goes for the incinerators. They ask you what you're going to do with the fetus, you can't say incinerate it. I tell them it goes to city burials."
P152 – 153

20 week old unborn baby