Sunday, May 27, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/27/2012

"I have seen hundreds of patients in my office who have had abortions and were just lied to by the abortion counselor. Namely 'This is less painful than having a tooth removed. It is not a baby.' Afterwards, the woman sees Life Magazine and breaks down and goes into a major depression."

--Psychologist Vincent Rue

David Kuperlian and Jo Ann Gasper "Abortion, Inc." New Dimensions Magazine October 1991, p 16


  1. I have had an abortion. What I see there does resemble a child, yes. Is it a sentient human being capable of the same thought, fear, and stress as the woman forced to carry it? No.

    Until a child can take it's own breath and survive on it's own, it deserves no rights that trump a woman's rights.

    A person should never be forced to hand over their bodily organs for any amount of time for another person's use. Yes, even if they had sex. A woman does not deserve to be punished by forced motherhood because she slept with a man.

    Life is a gift given by a mother to a child, not a right. A stolen gift is no gift at all.

    1. I too agree that a woman should never be forced to give the gift of life. That is why I support birth control and abstinence. But once a woman is pregnant, she has already given the gift of life. An innocent life already exists. And i believe it should be protected.

      I do not judge you for having an abortion. I have not been in your shoes. But I am going to continue to fight for the unborn and advocate for the pro-life position. Not because i see you as an enemy, but because I am convinced, based on science and not religion, that a human being exists from the moment of conception. Maybe it can't think or reason as well as an adult can, but it is still a human life. Ability to function as an adult does not determine whether a person deserves to live. Those who are more intelligent and empathic do not have more rights than those who are less.
