Sunday, May 27, 2012

Abortion Quote of the Day 5/28/2012

"This can burn you out very, very quickly...not so much by the physical labor as the emotional part of what's going on. When you do an ultrasound, particularly if you have children, and you see a fetus there, kicking, moving, living, doing things that your own child does, bringing it's thumb to its mouth, and things like that- it's difficult. Then, after the procedure, sometimes we have to actually look at the specimen, and you see arms and legs and things like that torn off...It does take an emotional toll." 

Abortionist Dr. Ed Jones (pseudonym), who had worked at a Planned Parenthood Clinic for 4 years at the time of the interview

Nancy Day. Abortion: Debating the Issue (Enslow Publishing: New York) 1995

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